Well, what a busy term in Year 6! This half term, Year 6 enjoyed studying the Macbeth graphic novel. One of our favourite lessons involved learning some of the Shakespearean insults to use in our writing.
The journey began with meticulous planning. The children were divided into small film crews, each tasked with innovating their own ending of Macbeth. From selecting costumes and designing sets, to creating storyboards and scripts, the children embraced the challenges of the filmmaking process.
To enhance their understanding of the characters and the era, a special visitor from Ultru Drama graced the classroom — a seasoned actor with expertise in Shakespearean drama. The workshop allowed the children to hone their acting skills and embraced their roles enthusiastically, immersing themselves in the world of the Scottish play.
One of the highlights of our theme was the performance and filming of Macbeth soliloquies. Each child took on the challenge of embodying the complex emotions and thoughts of Macbeth. The classroom transformed into a mini film studio as lights were adjusted, cameras rolled, and the children delivered powerful soliloquies that would rival any Shakespearean stage production.
The Grand Premiere – The Oscars
After weeks of hard work, collaboration, and creativity, the moment arrived for the grand premiere of the Macbeth films. We all gathered in the hall in anticipation with excitement and pride as each film was showcased on the big screen. The audience was treated to a visual feast, witnessing the children’s interpretations of Shakespeare’s timeless work. Finally, the ‘Oscars’ ceremony was a huge success! The celebrity actors and actresses found themselves inundated by autograph hunters and paparazzi on the red carpet, as they made their way to the classrooms. On arrival, our Year 6 VIPs were amazed to see the hall decorated so tastefully, (thanks to the Year 6 teachers and teaching assistants). After the break, during which the VIPs were served fruit kebabs, the presentation got underway. Celebrity pairs did a fantastic job presenting the awards, whilst the winners graciously thanked everyone during their acceptance speeches- some even delivered a few jokes! Well done to everyone!
You can watch the highlights from the day here: https://vimeo.com/896678288/4efa8e9bd2?share=copy
The Year 6 Lights, Camera, Action project was a triumph of creativity, collaboration, and curiosity. From the planning stages to the STEM investigations and the thrilling premiere, the children experienced the magic of bringing literature to life through the lens of a filmmaker.
Have a great Christmas Year 6. There’s lots more exciting learning in store for you in the Spring Term!