This term, we have lost count of how many times we have heard the words, ‘This is the best theme ever!’
The children have certainly loved every minute, from having Gwent Music performing at the start of the term, to building up to their own performances at the end.
One of the highlights of the term, if not the year so far, was our theatre visit to see ‘School of Rock the Musical’. All of the children behaved amazingly and had the time of their lives. They couldn’t stop themselves from clapping and singing along to the wonderful songs.

As part of the theme, children have been lucky enough to work alongside Ragsy, a singer, song writer, who appeared, a few years ago on ‘The Voice’ becoming part of Team Tom! (Google him if you haven’t already!) The children have had the opportunity to write their own songs and play various different parts on the Jampods. The children in year 5 then performed a mixture of their own songs and cover songs to an audience, which they absolutely loved!
Throughout the term, they have used a range of ICT skills, including creating their own band logos and posters. They have used photography skills to take album covers with their bands and then edited these photos using an online tool. Their logos have then been turned into band merchandise with their very own t-shirts!

Thank you for all your support as we launched our new reading challenge in year 5 and 6. The children have been very enthusiastic and are really enjoying reaching the check points so far. There are a number of exciting rewards for them to achieve along the way so please encourage them to be reading as much as possible at home next term!
We have also been busy practising for our up and coming sports day which will (hopefully!) take place on Thursday 16th June, fingers crossed that the sun will be shining for us on this day!
We hope you have a lovely half term break and we are looking forward to starting ‘Cracking Ideas’ next term!