Year 5 Autumn B Update

It’s incredible to think about the impact the Vile Victorians had on shaping our future, from industrialisation to setting up charitable organisations. Through our theme this half term, children have learned how kindness and compassion can change people’s lives and offer them a brighter future. After reading Street Child, the children discovered that Jim Jarvis was more than just a fictional character; he was a huge influence on Dr. Barnardo. This inspired the children to create their own persuasive videos encouraging others to support this important charity. Using the tools in iMovie in our digital Mac suite, they honed their digital skills to produce some incredible work.

The children’s Victorian experiences didn’t stop there. They enjoyed a Victorian afternoon tea, sampling the types of food that would have been enjoyed by wealthy Victorians. However, to gain a full understanding of life in Victorian times, the children also tasted workhouse gruel, a staple for the poorest Victorians. While the children thought the gruel wasn’t too bad, they agreed it would have been quite monotonous to eat it every day!

During our theme, the children examined historical evidence to understand the tough lives of families in Blaenavon, The Iron Town, and the hardships they endured to make ends meet. These lessons led to meaningful discussions about economic difficulties in both the past and present. In maths, the children explored household finance, learning the difference between wants and needs, and the importance of spending and saving. Using our Talk Tactics, they expressed their opinions with clarity and confidence. To put their learning into practice, the children were given a budget to prepare a Christmas dinner for their families. They learned the value of being savvy shoppers, comparing deals to stretch their money further—a valuable life skill!

Our creative work this term has been equally exciting. The children explored different drawing styles and painting techniques. After visiting Big Pit, they took inspiration from contemporary Welsh artist Katherine Jones. An immersive day of art with Mrs. Daly allowed them to further develop their skills and produce some stunning pieces of artwork.

Year 5 also became scientists this half term. They conducted a fascinating investigation into evaporation, studying what happens to water particles in fruit when it is picked from the tree. By weighing the fruit daily over a week and plotting their data on a line graph, the children could see how its weight decreased over time. They also had a visit from the Mad Scientists, who delivered a special assembly packed with inspiring and fun experiments.

Music has played a big part in our curriculum too. During sessions with Mr. Banks, the children learned a range of songs and practiced their keyboard skills in our music suite. On another note, they spread Christmas cheer to the local residents across the road by singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town while signing the lyrics in British Sign Language.

As part of their personal and social education, the children participated in a workshop with Show Racism the Red Card, handling mature themes with remarkable maturity. They also enjoyed five weeks of interactive Bible Studies with Rachel, exploring stories from the Bible in an engaging and thoughtful way.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible support you provide to your children. From ensuring they come to school ready to learn, to helping with homework and activities at home, your partnership is invaluable. We are so grateful for all that you do. Please remember to encourage your children to read regularly over the Christmas break and test them on their times table targets!

Year 5 have worked incredibly hard this half term and have embraced every opportunity given to them. We hope you have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing the children’s excited faces again in the New Year!

Bible Studies

Apple Mac Video Editing

Baking a Victorian sponge cake for our afternoon tea!

Show Racism the Red Card workshop

Mad scientist assembly

A delicious Victoria Sandwich

Bible Studies

Using the cookery suite

Year 5 have been working hard all term to earn Mathletics certificates! Keep it up next term guys!

Keyboards with Mr. Banks

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