What a wonderful term we have had settling into 2024! Kicking off with our new theme, ‘Adventurers and Explorers’, we have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about famous explorers and their expeditions all around the world.
We have researched lots of different explorers, from Amy Johnson to Ernest Shackleton, and plotted their adventures on a timeline. We also chose our own adventurer, did independent research and presented our findings in the form of a biography. In addition, we collated our research to create databases for a variety of adventurers using different platforms such as Hwb and Flipgrid.

The children had the opportunity to step into the life of Ernest Shackleton and couldn’t believe that the crew of his ship, The Endurance, survived! Our diary entries as the stowaway, Perce Blackborow, portrayed the complete disbelief of his team’s endeavour.
Our S.T.E.M topic this term is closely linked to our theme; exploring the polar regions. Techniquest have supported our learning with their online shows, teaching us all about the similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctica. Following this, we carried out 2 different insulation experiments to identify the best insulating material for a polar explorer’s clothing.

In P.E, we have been developing passing, dribbling and blocking skills needed to play hockey. We have learnt how to pass and receive at different distances, block tackle and the Indian dribble technique, in order to ensure we can get past our opponent. We have also created adventurous combat dances to dramatic music and enjoyed performing to the rest of the class!

The children have had lots of opportunities to take their learning outside this term, from creating timetables masks to learning how to whittle. We also thoroughly enjoyed getting our hands dirty on a minibeast hunt around the school grounds.

We are extremely excited to continue our Adventures and Explorers theme next term, and are especially looking forward to working on our Ernest Shackleton lego stop motion projects!