The Year 4 teachers are so proud of how well the children have settled back into school life and the ease with which they have adapted to our rules and routines. It has been a very busy first half term and we can’t quite believe we are at the end of it already.
Don’t Lose Your Head
The Year 4 topic for the Autumn Term is ‘Don’t Lose Your Head’ which covers the Tudor and Stuart period in History. During this half term, our Y4 super sleuths travelled back in time to the Tudor era where they enjoyed learning about some of the Kings and Queens of that time; as well as the types of food they ate and the houses they lived in. Digging into the lives of the Tudor monarchs, we unearthed some of their quirky and cruel traits. The children were amazed to discover that Henry VIII was one of the most famous kings in British History, most notably because he had six wives and beheaded two of them. The children uncovered lots of interesting facts about Henry VIII through their research and created an informative word cloud using Mentimeter.

We have worked so hard in Literacy this term, and have focused on developing our creative writing skills. We used a range of exciting hooks, such as The Dreamgiver video and The Tin Forest text, to develop our adventurous vocabulary. We have also used our Literacy skills in many other areas this term. We wrote detailed reports about the Human Organs in Science, and have worked collaboratively during group and partner discussions in a range of subjects. We used Book Creator to produce fact-filled comics about the Gunpowder Plot with a Horrible Histories slant.

Harvest Festival
Finally, we were all back together to celebrate Harvest. It was so lovely to sing and participate in our whole school Harvest Festival. This time of year is not just about celebrating the food we have but is also about being mindful of others who may not have enough to eat. The children brought in very generous donations of tinned and packet food for the Raven House Trust, which they were grateful to receive.
Other Activities
We have taken full advantage of the new Technology and Cookery Suites this half term. The children have made Tudor style bread and biscuits, both of which were delicious. They have also had the opportunity to learn a range of simple Jazz tunes on the piano, and compose their own music. We also made Tudor crowns in Forest Schools.