To kickstart the second part of Let’s Go Green, we went on a trip to Plantasia, Swansea, where the children met a Rainforest Ranger who taught us all about the layers of the rainforest and even introduced us to rainforest animals. We were incredibly proud of the children’s bravery as they held several Rainforest animals and some even put a snake around their neck…yikes! We then got to explore the vibrant and magical rainforest and venture further into the ‘plants section’ where things started to hot up! What a way to start the Rainforest theme!

Throughout this theme, we looked at the different locations of tropical rainforests, including the Amazon Rainforest and St Lucia. We also looked at different Rainforest Tribes such as the Yanomami Tribe and the Baka Tribe. We imagined what life would be like living in a Rainforest and therefore, built dens in Forest School with Mrs Buckley!

In STEM this half-term, we learnt all about the water cycle and how it is powered. We explained the process of the water cycle by drawing a diagram and writing a short explanation using scientific keywords such as precipitation and evaporation. We were also lucky enough to have our very own class caterpillars and as a result, had the privilege of watching them emerge into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies!

In Art, we sketched a Rainforest flower and used the watercolour painting method to make it bright and colourful. As well as this, we drew a Rainforest snake wrapped around a tree and used oil pastels to create this outstanding effect. Finally, we practised drawing trees and aimed to show depth in our paintings by changing the size and tones…clever right?!

In amongst all the summer madness, we also found time to meet with the Year 2 children in preparation for their transition to Year 3 in September. We were so proud of our current Year 3 children as they made the Year 2’s feel so welcome! It was lovely to see them ‘buddied up’, exchanging stories and answering questions.
Overall we have had a fantastic final half-term with your children! We are proud of every single one of them and it’s fair to say that we will miss them loads next year! Have a wonderful summer holiday and good luck with your Year 4 adventure, boys and girls!