Throughout this half term, Year 3 have been learning all about the different parts of plants and their purpose in science and how to look after the planet during our new theme ‘Let’s Go Green’.
The children have excitedly dissected plants and discussed the pollination process. The children have then used this knowledge to design their own plant and explain how it is pollinated for a very exciting Kew Gardens competition.
We have also been on a visit to Beechwood Park where we measured the diameter of trees to estimate their age and completed a litter survey, which has been used to inform how we could take better care of our local area. Lots of the children had some great ideas, including more recycling bins in public areas. We enjoyed going to the cookery suite to bake apple cupcakes to take on our journey with us – they were delicious!
PC James came to visit and taught us about how to stay SMART online. We met Tarian the Dragon and he took us on a journey through a virtual world to help us understand how to be responsibles digital citizen. We followed this up by looking at our own digital footprint and what is okay to share, and what information should be kept private.
We have also been having some French lessons and the children’s enthusiasm has been très bien! We have learned how to say the days of the week, numbers to 20, our feelings and how old we are! It is fair to say the Year 3 teachers are super proud. The children have also been receiving keyboard lessons from the one and only, Mr Banks! We have enjoyed using our new music suite to learn how to play London’s Burning and Frère Jacques – lots of us are definitely musicians in the making.
When we return after half term, we will be ending the year with our Rainforest theme and although we are super excited, we cannot believe how quickly this year has gone!
We look forward to welcoming you back after half term for your final term in Year 3.
Have a wonderful half term break and we will see you very soon!