We have had another fun filled half term! It has been extremely busy from the first week back which saw us taking part in the Eisteddfod and World Book Day.
To celebrate Science Week this year, we carried out a bean experiment to investigate whether a seed needs light to germinate. We put one bean seed in the cupboard with no light and the other on the windowsill with plenty of light. We nearly all predicted that the seed without light wouldn’t grow, so we were very surprised when it was the first seed to show any sign of life and start sprouting.
We also carried out a catapult investigation, where we looked at the weight of missiles and the impact on the distance they travelled. We enjoyed using our maths skills to weigh the missiles and our measuring skills when recording how far they had travelled. Our missiles were different types of chocolate which made the investigation even more fun.
We have also enjoyed designing 3D castles using Tinkercad – a 3D designing software. The children picked up the skills quickly and worked well together!
Year 3 have also been lucky enough to visit Caerphilly Castle on a school trip this half term. After learning about castles as part of our theme, it was great to listen to the children recall the parts of the castle and the history behind it as we walked around. Following on from our Caerphilly Castle trip, we used our persuasive writing skills to plan and produce leaflets for Caerphilly Castle, explaining why we think everyone should visit.
The children absolutely loved watching and getting involved with the Castles Tour video call. They were so enthusiastic when we arrived back at school, and were telling us lots of facts they had learnt about Raglan and Chepstow Castle. Most children said that Raglan Castle was their favourite because it had a library.
We were so lucky to have the incredibly talented archer, Thea Rogers come in to visit us. Thea told us all about how she got into Archery and showed us the medals she has won. We then took part in some archery sessions at the Celtic Manor. We think we may see some of the children at the Olympic Games in the future – they were fantastic! The children were very accurate and so many of them hit the center of the target.
We had another lovely treat during Spring B as the fabulous author Claire Fayers came in to tell us about some of her stories. We were very lucky as she shared one from her new book that’s being published next year. Following that, we had a try at writing a sequel to one of her stories.
The children have worked so hard this half term and the work they have produced has shown this!
Da iawn pawb, we are super proud of you all!
Have a lovely Easter and we look forward to seeing everyone in the Summer Term!