What a fabulous half term we have had settling into 2024! Our Year 3 pupils have loved our theme, ‘Keys to the Castle’, and they thoroughly enjoyed our Immersion Day where the children got to engage in a variety of creative and stimulating activities. They built a replica of Caerphilly Castle out of Lego, researched facts about different castles in Wales, used 2D shapes to draw a castle in the style of Paul Klee, used their drama skills to create castle freeze frames and finally, they cracked a maths code to reveal the name of a Welsh Princess. They then created a scrapbook on Seesaw where we uploaded pictures and reflected on each activity by using text, video or the voice recorder.

During this half term each Year 3 class found a very special egg in their classrooms (believe it or not, it turned out to be a dragon egg!!) Not to worry though, the children were on the case and they produced some beautiful ‘Dragon Spotted’ posters, informing the public on what to do if they were to come in contact with the St Julian’s Ridgeback Dragon! Did you see the dragon at all?
In aid of our theme we had plans to visit the beautiful Raglan Castle, but due to the weather this week, it has been postponed! Not to worry though, we’ll be going next half term!
In maths this half term we have been focusing on measuring. We decided to put our measuring skills to the test and become carpenters by making Medieval catapults! It’s fair to say that our measuring skills paid off and we’ve even gained another skill in woodwork! We found out that a trebuchet is a kind of catapult that was used to hurl heavy stones or other projectiles during battles in the Middle Ages. We also had lots of fun making and painting our cardboard castles! We worked just like Reciprocity Ranger, making sure that out castles had all the important features!

Miss H from Gwent Music has attended school every Monday to teach us about Brazilian Samba music. She has introduced us to a variety of Samba instruments and we have even had a go at playing the Brazilian drums! We are looking forward to continuing with this after half term!

Our wonderful Year 6 children became our ‘Digital Buddies’ this half term and visited Year 3 to teach them lots of skills on the Chromebooks.
They showed them some fantastic things to do on the chrome book and the year 6 children were very impressed with what they already knew. We’re already looking forward to them visiting again soon.

I think you will agree, Year 3 have worked their socks off this half term and have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in these experiences. Have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you all in a week’s time! 🙂