Year 3 have had an exciting half term settling into Key-Stage 2 and it’s fair to say, they have adapted extremely well to many changes in routine. We are all feeling very proud of how they have shown great resilience and perseverance with their learning.
Our first theme of the year has been Rocks, Relics and Rumbles which has incorporated finding out about life in Roman times, different types of rock and an introduction to volcanoes. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which led to the city of Pompeii being buried in volcanic ash, fascinated the children and led to some excellent creative writing, including a diary entry, in which the children yet again, blew us away with their imagination and creative minds.

We were all very excited to visit the Roman remains at Caerleon in September. The children loved exploring the Roman Legion Museum, the Roman Baths and the reconstructed barrack room. The children also had an amazing time at the amphitheatre, where we were welcomed by a Roman soldier who told us all about the gladiators who would have fought there, 2000 years ago. As a result of this trip, the children learnt lots of interesting facts about day to day life at Caerleon- once known as Isca! We have also been learning about mosaics and how they were a popular form of artwork created by the Romans. Therefore, we designed and made our own mosaic coasters- they look absolutely beautiful!

To end our Romans theme on a high, the children took part in a Roman Fun Day! The day consisted of lots of exciting activities such as gladiator fights, Roman numeral songs, Roman numeral bingo, banquets, singing, dancing and even a lion appeared (a very cute lion though). The children looked absolutely amazing and the Year 3 team would like to thank ALL parents/carers for their efforts with this…we couldn’t do these things without you!

We also had a fantastic time in the cookery suite with Mrs Dennis. We made pasta with a yummy tomato sauce and also pizza, which we demolished the following day! Mr Banks also paid us a visit and taught us some basic keyboard skills, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Steve from Gateway Rugby has been in to teach Rugby skills to the children in Year 3. The sessions take place outside and there is no physical contact so everyone is safe! This term Rawlings’ class has been taking part in the sessions, but Miss Millett and Miss Thomas will be having their turns in the Spring and Summer terms.

Finally, it has been great to see so many of your children wanting to take part in our school choir this half term. Miss Millett was over the moon to see so many of our lovely Year 3 children join, with such enthusiasm too! The singing has been sensational, and their passion for it has been second to none.