Year 2 have been learning about Chinese New Year! We have learned lots of facts about China and Chinese New Year and created a beautiful leaflet about the traditions. We created tangrams and found the most popular zodiac animal in each class through data collection.
We have learned about the Chinese Zodiac Story and had our own race to see who would win!
Today we had fabulous party to celebrate. Some kind children from Year 4 and 5 came down to Year 2 to talk to us about Chinese New Year and how they traditionally celebrate at home. They were so informative and were great at answering our questions! We ate lots of delicious Chinese food including, prawn crackers, prawn toast, spring rolls and noodles. We learned how to use chopsticks to eat our food and the teachers were very impressed. We would like a lesson from the children on how to use them as we weren’t as successful. We had a chance to dress up in some traditional Chinese clothing and listen to some Chinese music. We had a fantastic experience and we’ve learned so much this week!