WOW! What a half-term it’s been! We’ve been so busy in Year 2 completing our theme: ‘In a World of Pure Imagination’, where we have learned all about Welsh author, Roald Dahl and read a selection of his amazing books.
We thoroughly enjoyed reading George’s Marvellous Medicine and couldn’t believe all of the mischief he managed to cook up! We were so excited to write and create our recipes and predict what may happen to Grandma if she tasted a spoonful of our Marvellous Medicines!
One of our favourite books to read was ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. We were so excited when a letter arrived in class from Willy Wonka himself, setting us a challenge to create a chocolate bar for him to make in his Chocolate Factory. We had the opportunity to research prices, designs and flavours of different chocolates and even went over the shop to bring our research to life! Once we completed a lot of research, we taste-tested a few different chocolates to find out what our favourite flavours were. Then we started to design our bars, think of interesting names and create eye-catching wrappers. The children’s creativity thrived and it was so lovely to see what they have created! We also had the opportunity to write and record adverts for our chocolate bars and it was a lot of fun. Once we created our chocolate bars, all of the fun was just beginning as it was time to enjoy them! It was so wonderful to welcome so many families into school to watch the adverts, listen to our song and most importantly, taste what we had made!
To complete our wonderful theme, we finished with a special ‘Roald Dahl Day’. The children and staff in Year 2 came into school wearing Roald Dahl costumes and we were so grateful for all of the effort put in – the children looked amazing! We had an exciting drama workshop with Altru Drama’ where the children for to act as different characters from Roald Dahl and acted out a scene from The BFG. followed a Roald Dahl trail and played party games and had some refreshments in the Forest School area. The games included a selfie station, skittles, pin the tail on the fox and a golden egg hunt! The children also enjoyed exploring Mr. Twit’s beard and finding lots of gruesome things hidden in there!
We also had Spanish visitors who came to our school to teach us about Spain and they taught us some Spanish! We had so much fun with them and we are so excited to continue learning some Spanish as we move through St. Julian’s Primary School!
We also somehow managed to find the time to participate in the Create Festival! Each class was allowed to choose a ‘Best of British’ themed song and the children did an excellent job performing, as I am sure you will agree!
We cannot believe it’s the end of Year 2 and the children are about to transition to Year 3. We have had a wonderful year with your lovely children and have been so proud of everything they have achieved not just this half-term, but this year.
Have the best summer and make sure you all stay safe! We cannot wait to welcome you back as Year 3 children in September.
Thank you for all of your support this year,
The Year 2 Team