This half term we have been learning about dinosaurs and fossils through our new theme ‘Land Before Time’. We have had the best time researching the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods and we enjoyed going outside in Forest School to create the different periods using natural materials. We learned all about the environment the dinosaurs would have lived in and the plants that may have grown in each period.
Another exciting part of our topic was learning about fossils and creating our own using clay! We became palaeontologists and carried out our very owl fossil dig with chocolate chip cookies! We learned about how resilient a palaeontologist has to be when completing their own dig! It was great fun!
We found a life size T-Rex footprint in forest school and lots of dinosaur bones and eggs! We explored the the size of the footprint and estimated how many of our shoes would fit inside! We then put our shoes inside to see how many would fit and we then measured it with a metre stick. We also went outside to measure the strides of the T-Rex and other dinosaurs!
One of our best days was when Ranger Chris from Dinomania came to visit us with so many dinosaurs for us to see, including a HUGE T-Rex! He showed us different dinosaur bones and teeth and we even saw an egg hatch!
We also had a fantastic trip to Fonmon Castle to explore the dinosaur trail! The ranger took us around and told us loads about the different dinosaurs we could see. We enjoyed a visit to the Raptor Pit and learned so much. We were taken into different rooms where we could see fossils and skulls! We finished the day with a wonderful show that was led by Kelly and Grace who travelled in a time machine to meet dinosaurs! We learned that a T-Rex had teeth the same size as a banana and it had 60 teeth in total!
We have enjoyed spotting the signs of spring and went outside to explore the different colours that appear at this time of year and placed them on a colour wheel.
UPBEAT Music came in to do some wonderful sessions with us. We have enjoyed playing different instruments and exploring different rhythms using instruments such as the ganzá, agogo bells, taborims and surdo drums!
We are looking forward to returning after half term for our final few weeks of Year 2 where we have lots more wonderful things planned!