This half term our theme has been ‘My Wish for the World.’ At the beginning of the topic we watched a video about ‘The Global Goals.’ We then came up with our own wish for the world. There were lots of different wishes across the year group. The children really showed how kind and caring they are with beautiful wishes about taking care of the planet and the people, plants and animals who live on Earth. Miss Shepherd took us into the creative media suite to create a special iMovie with each of our wishes on! We were superb at using the new skills Miss Shepherd taught us – she was blown away! We wrote a beautiful report about how to take care of our local habitats and really showed off our super knowledge! We learnt lots about recycling and did a tally of recycling in our home. We looked at what materials our rubbish is made of and sorted it into different categories. We learnt about each of the bins in Newport and what should go into each one. We also learnt about where our recyclable materials go and what they can be recycled in to! We designed posters to tell everybody that CO-OP shops are now recycling crisp packets, we sent boxes to each class to see who could recycle the most! We will take the crisp packets to the CO-OP to recycle.
It was so lovely to welcome everyone back to the first Christmas concert we have done since the pandemic! The children worked so hard and blew us all away with a superb performance. Thank you so much for learning their lines with them at home and for coming to watch the concert. The children were so happy to see you in the audience!
We have ended the term with a fantastic Christmas party and a special visit from Santa himself! He assured us he was working hard, preparing all of the toys and keeping the elves in order ready for his Christmas dash around the world! Thank you so much for bringing in treats for the children to enjoy – they had a super time!
Enjoy your rest over Christmas. We hope Santa grants all of your Christmas wishes. We can’t wait to welcome you back in 2023!
Nadolig Llawen and Blwyddyn Newydd Dda from all of Year 2!