Can you believe we are nearing the end of our first full term in school? Time flies when you’re having fun!!
What we have been up to this half term
This half term we have continued our theme ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ but our focus has been Our home – planet Earth, where we have looked at global goals and sustainability and discussed ways we can help make our planet more sustainable.
We researched where our food comes from and how to grow delicious ingredients at home. We each planted a cress plant and made sure to give it enough light and water to grow. We measured the cress every day and recorded the height and compared our results to see who had the tallest cress. After a week of taking care of the cress, we ate it in a delicious sandwich.
When looking at global goals, we learned about the rights of the child and discussed why the 17 global goals are so important and what we can do to achieve them in our lifetime.
Another exciting part of our topic was looking at electricity and how we get it in our homes in different forms. We had lots of fun experimenting with making circuits in class, using bulbs, batteries, and wires, and had fun making them look like Rudolph’s red nose was lighting up.
In the run-up to Christmas, we have been showing that we are all creative, enterprising contributors and have designed and made some beautiful Christmas cards and crafts to share with our families to get them into the Christmas spirit. In literacy, we have written our letter to Santa and learned about different Christmas traditions around the world. We have enjoyed learning lines and songs for our class concerts and blew our teachers away with how confidently we could perform. As part of numeracy, we have been busy sorting and collating information, plotting the data on graphs and charts. We have also been counting the different chocolates in a tin of Celebrations and comparing them with other classes! We also weighed and measured our class elves when learning about weight and length.
Home learning
Diolch a da iawn for taking part in home learning via Seesaw, Hwb, and engaging with the literacy and numeracy workshops on the school website. We love seeing the amazing activities and home learning. Keep up the good work!
Next half-term
Next half term in Year 2, we will be starting the topic ‘Soaring High and Diving Deep’ and will be learning all about birds. We will be using the great outdoors (the school grounds) and taking part in the RSPB big bird watch and hope to have some exciting visitors. I’m sure we will have a HOOT!
You have all been superstars!