Year 1 Summer Update

WOW! What a fantastic year we have had in Year One! We cannot believe that we are at the end of the academic year already! We have been so busty throughout our final term…

To welcome us back into the new term, we spent the day on the field participating in lots of different ‘healthy living’ activities. We spent time with County in the Community learning about a balanced diet, had a go at some sport activities, completed an inflatable obstacle course and tasted some yummy fruit smoothies! We had so much fun!

As some familiar faces from our school travelled to Uganda to support a local school, we spent the week learning about Uganda. We compared areas of Uganda to Newport, we learned about their traditional dance, their language and we really enjoyed facetiming some of their pupils and teachers!

This year, we celebrate the Olympics. We had a fun week learning about the Olympics, where it was going to be held this year, which sports people participate in, facts about the history and the famous Olympians who have competed and won medals! We wrote our own fact file about the facts we had been learning about and some of us made our own Olympic rings and torches in the creative area.

Following pupil voice discussions, a lot of pupils in Year One said they have really enjoyed cooking this year and using the cooking suite. We got busy and worked as independently as we could to make jam tarts. They were delicious!

At the start of the term, we had a visit from 3 members from County in the Community. They came in to speak to us about their job roles, how they got to where they are now and what we need to do to maintain a balanced and healthy life style. They got us involved in some practical activities focusing on our heart rate and were impressed with our knowledge of healthy living. At the end of the day, they invited us onto the field to participate in a carousel of different physical activities. This was a great success!

We have been very lucky to have a visit from our local police community officers this term. They came into our class and told us all about their jobs. After this, we went and saw their police car! We were allowed to sit inside and some of us even pressed the siren buttons!

We blew our teachers and our families away during our ‘Creative Festival’. We all worked very hard to perform something related to our chosen countries:

Class 1 – Japan

Class 2 – Canada

Class 6 – USA

We performed in front of a very large audience and did such a great job. Our teachers were VERY proud. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and got to watch everyone else perform their creative pieces to their families too! The weather was beautiful and the day went brilliantly.

Our topic this term has been ‘Little People, Big Dreams’. To start, we thought about ourselves and our dreams. What did we want to be when we grew up and what challenges may we need to overcome? We knew a lot of the famous people who have books published, but we had not realised how hard they had worked to get to where they are now. We started off by learning about Amelia Earhart, a female pilot. We participated in a debate – ‘Should girls be allowed to fly planes too?’ We made paper airplanes and went outside to participate in an experiment – which plane would come 1st, 2nd and 3rd? Next, we looked at Coco Chanel and how she achieved the name that is so popular today. We were so excited to design our own clothes just like she did. However, as we have spent a lot of time this year learning about recycling and caring for our environment, we decided to design our clothes our of recycled materials. Not only did we design these items of clothing, we actually made them our of recycling! We held a ‘Trashion’ show for our families and walked down the red carpet to show what we had designed and created. What a fantastic way to end the year!

We have managed to do so much in this term and it has been so much fun.

As the teachers said goodbye on Thursday, there was a sense of pride as we watched our Year One pupils leave for the last time, before returning as big Year Two pupils! We are so excited to see them next year and hear how they are getting on in their new classes.

Well done Year One and thank you for a fantastic year.

Have a brilliant summer!!

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