Year 1 have had an exciting half term finishing their topic of ‘O Dan Y Mor’ (Under the Sea) and have enjoyed learning about our mini theme, Pirates!
In literacy we have collaborated in groups to create non-fiction booklets all about under the sea creatures. We have loved reading each other’s booklets in the book corner! We also read the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch and did a fantastic job of rewriting the story independently.
In numeracy we have been learning about symmetry and have been drawing symmetrical sandcastles using our knowledge of 2D shapes! We have also been reading pirate treasure maps using coordinates and directional language.
Year 1 had the best day when we went on our trip to Barry Island. The weather was perfect for flying the kites we had made during our ‘Discover and Do’ afternoon. We had so much fun playing in the sand and building sandcastles together. We also explored rock pools and even saw a real crab! Our picnic lunch on the beach was delicious (although it was slightly interrupted by some very loud and naughty seagulls, just like in the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch!).
One of the highlights of this half term has been our Creative Festival! We loved performing our favourite British artist’s songs for our friends and families. We also enjoyed cheering other classes on from the sidelines!
We have loved being creative this half term and we made junk model lighthouses when reading the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We also did a super job of costing and making our own delicious sandwiches just like the characters did in the story.
Another highlight of this half term has been our visit from Captain Smellysocks! Captain Smellysocks docked her pirate ship in Newport Docks after being told there was treasure buried at St Julian’s Primary School! Each class had fun pirate activities and games.
We also had a visit from Beach Academy Wales, where the children learnt all about rock pools and had a chance to create their own on the playground. We learnt so many amazing facts about the animals and shells that can be found in rock pools!
We really enjoyed dressing up for our Pirate Party in the last week of term. We loved inviting our families along to explore the pirate activities on the field together in the sunshine.
What a brilliant year we have all had together in Year 1! The Year 1 teachers are so proud of how well the children have progressed in every aspect of school life. Good luck with your new adventure in Year 2!