Year 1 have had an exciting half term finishing their topic of ‘O Dan Y Mor’ (Under the Sea) and moving onto our mini theme of Pirates!
In literacy we have written our very own non-fiction booklets all about under the sea creatures. We have loved reading each other’s booklets in the book corner! We’ve also been practising spelling trickier words when writing about the treasure we would like to find in a treasure chest.
In numeracy we have been sorting odd and even numbers all the way up to 100! We have also been reading pirate treasure maps using coordinates and directional language.
One of the highlights of this half term has been our Creative Festival! We loved performing our decade’s highlights for our friends and families. We also enjoyed cheering other classes on from the sidelines!
We have loved being creative this half term and we made junk model lighthouses when reading the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We even measured them with cubes and compared them with our partner’s! We also did a super job of making our own sandwiches just like the characters did in the story.
We’ve all had two amazing visits from Upbeat Music where we learnt to play the African drums and boomwhackers! We loved playing along to the beat and rumbling on the instruments!
Another highlight of this half term has been our visit from Captain Smellysocks! Captain Smellysocks docked her pirate ship in Newport Docks after being told there was treasure buried at St Julian’s Primary School! Each class had a day of fun pirate activities and games. We then had a Pirate Party at the end of the week to showcase the different skills we had learnt during the week! We loved inviting our families along to see us and take part in the songs we had learnt.
What a brilliant year we have all had together in Year 1! The Year 1 teachers have been so impressed with how well all of the children have progressed in every aspect of school life. Good luck with your new adventure in Year 2!