Year 1 have had an exciting start to the spring term and have loved learning through their theme ‘Julia Donaldson.’
We started off the term reading the story ‘Stick Man.’ We were so excited to make our very own stick man and see who had the longest stick man in each class!
We enjoyed reading the story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ and loved creating our own giants outside, using large material and natural objects! We have been learning how to name the giant’s clothes in Welsh and we have been thinking about how we can be kind to others, just like George the giant!
After reading the story ‘Spinderella’ we had a fantastic football session with Mr Jenkins, one of our governors. He taught us how to dribble the ball and we even had the chance to play a game of football!
In numeracy we have been learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables! We are getting great at telling the time on digital and analogue clocks and we have been learning our bonds of 8 and 10.
We loved celebrating ‘Dress to Express’ day and talking about what we want to be when we are older and people who inspire us! We have also celebrated Safer Internet Day and learned about ways that we can stay safe online.
After reading the story ‘Zog’ we drew some brilliant Zog pictures, inspired by the illustrator Axel Scheffler. After we had drawn our Zogs we decided to use watercolours to paint them. Have a look on our Seesaw accounts to see our amazing Zog paintings!
We are doing a great job at developing our digital skills and have enjoyed using the iPads and Chromebooks independently this half term. We have loved using Nessy and Bug Club during literacy and reading sessions and we are getting good at using Hwb to draw pictures and to type up our story retells.

We are looking forward to carrying on with our theme of ‘Julia Donaldson’ after half term and reading more of her amazing stories!