Year 1 have had a fantastic half term and have enjoyed learning through our theme ‘This is Me!’.
We started off the half term celebrating ourselves, our similarities and our differences. We thought about how we are all special and that’s what makes us amazing! Our topic has made us think about what makes a great community. We enjoyed a sunny walk around our local community and drew amazing maps of buildings you can find on Beaufort Road!
During our Science and Technology lessons we have learned about our five senses. Year 1 were lucky enough to go on a trip to Techniquest where we saw an interactive show about the five senses. We loved exploring the attractions afterwards!
In our Expressive Arts lessons we looked at two very different artists. We created fruit and vegetable faces like Giuseppe Arcimboldo and drew houses and landmarks of Newport in the style of Susie Grindey. We have also been busy remembering and practising all our Welsh phrases and can tell you who we are, how we are, where we live and how old we are!
We were very lucky to have a visit from Mr. Morgan, the dentist, who helped us to learn about how important it is to keep our teeth healthy. We counted how many teeth we have, designed our own toothpaste and toothbrushes and sorted foods into 2 groups; which are healthy for our teeth and which aren’t.
We have loved our Seize the Season lessons and exploring all things Autumn! We enjoyed learning why the leaves fall off trees at this time of year, and using natural objects to create pictures of animals!
During October’s Black History Month we learned about Betty Campbell who was Wales’ first black head teacher. We then had the opportunity to share our aspirations for the future and discussed jobs that we would like to have when we are older.
We have loved learning about Diwali and have been writing sentences about the story of Rama and Sita. We made our own diwa lamps and made cards to send home to our families! We even made our own Rangoli patterns outside using chalks and 2D shapes.
We have had a brilliant first half term back in school and are now looking forward to our new topic ‘Truly Scrumptious’ after a well deserved break!