We’ve had an amazing half term getting back into our school routines, remembering old friends and making new ones! The children have been so excited to get back to some level of normality and we’ve really enjoyed getting our teeth into our first topic, ‘Truly Scrumptious’! We have looked closely at fruits and vegetables, talked about their shape and smell and even investigated which would roll. We have read so many wonderful books this half term like The tiger who came to tea, Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes and Funny Bones. One of our favourites was So Hungry by Daniel Morden written about a boy who lives in Wales. The main character has an odd, food-filled dream – it’s very funny! After reading Stone soup we made a list of ingredients for stone soup and then made our very own working carefully to chop and cut the ingredients before tasting it – yummy! Not only have we eaten foods but we’ve made some amazing art pieces with them too! Our Giuseppe Arcimboldo inspired faces were stunning. The noodles made brilliant hair! During our ‘Curiously Creative’ afternoon, we explored how we could use fruit to make art and created some beautiful pieces. When reading Cake we had the chance to write some lovely sentences about ourselves and learn some Welsh phrases to say how old we are. We have been busy remembering and practicing all our Welsh phrases and can tell you who we are, how we are, where we live and how old we are! Try us at home!
Our topic has led us to look at our lunchboxes and what is inside. More specifically, the packaging. We realised that almost everything in our packed lunches is wrapped in plastic! We counted the items and thought of some ways we could change this. We now live by the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ mantra and do our bit as much as we can to reduce plastic waste and use! We have changed how we package some things in our lunches and reused some classroom things we would normally have thrown away. The juice cartons we had with our breakfast bags made beautiful musical shakers by adding some rice and pretty labels! And, the un-recyclable straws we have with our daily milk were reused to make straw pictures and cute, little hedgehogs!
We were very lucky to have a video call with Mr. Morgan, the dentist, who helped us to learn about how important it is to keep our teeth healthy. We counted how many teeth we have, designed our own toothpaste and toothbrushes and sorted foods into 2 groups; which would be harmful to our teeth and which wouldn’t. It helped us to make better choices and to take responsibility for looking after our own diets and teeth. Not only do we know how to look after our mouths but we know that doing the Daily Mile and keeping fit in PE is very important for our long-term health.
During October’s Black History Month we have learned about the differences between each of us and how important it is to value each other. We all have different skills and personalities which makes our society rich and exciting and we have celebrated this in our classes.
We have been so busy in number learning about numbers from 0-30 and back again! We’ve looked at 2D shapes and been on shape hunts around the school to count how many different shapes we could see. We have sorted recycling into 2 groups, created block charts of our favourite fruits and looked at different coins and how to make amounts within 10p. We’re practically geniuses already!