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Class Dojo

Class Dojo is our main communication platform to provide updates to parents. We post regular news from each class along with links to headteacher letters and resources, via this app. It’s really simple to use… Download the Dojo app for iPhone/iPad or Android device and then ask us for your child’s invite code. We can also send you an email invitation if it’s easier. Please contact us if you have a child in the school and have not yet set up your Dojo parent account. Find out more here.  *Please note, we do not currently use the private messaging feature within Dojo Class story so if you need to ask us a question, please contact the office.


We update our website daily and we hope you’ll find it helpful in answering any queries or questions you may have. Please see our calendar for upcoming event dates, read our blogs to see what we’ve been doing, and check out our Media Gallery to view our photos/videos/listen to our podcasts. You can also find ways to support your child’s learning at home as well as accessing a range of resources to help. Your child’s homework is also uploaded here each week, so if they lose their original copy, they can print another one from here.


If you have a non-urgent query, then please feel free to send us an email. Mrs Deal and Miss Deal check our emails regularly throughout the day and if they don’t know the answer to your query, then they will immediately forward your e-mail to someone who does so we should have a reply back to you in no time at all! For emails which require an investigation or further follow up, we would typically respond to these within ten working days. You can email us using this online form or our email address We often send out Headteacher’s updates and newsletters via e-mail. If you would like to join our mailing list, please make sure we have your email address.


Perhaps one of the easiest ways to contact us is via telephone. The phone lines are open between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm. If you call outside of these times, please feel free to leave us a message on our answer-phone and someone will return your call as soon as possible. If you change your telephone number at any point in the year, please make sure you update our school office in case we need to contact you urgently. Our phone number is: 01633 259 563


We often send out letters to inform parents of important news, notices, events and school trips. Letters are usually sent electronically via a Dojo or sometimes a link in a text message or email. We also send out a half-termly newsletter by email which is sent at the end of each half-term. Most letters sent out are automatically saved here for ease of access. We don’t often send out paper letters unless we’re notifying you of a school educational visit or special event. These letters will be given to your child at the end of the day, so please make sure you check their bag regularly to ensure you don’t miss any important information. If you’d like to send us a letter, you can write to us at St. Julian’s Primary School, Beaufort Road, Newport, NP19 7UB. Please mark clearly on the envelope whom the letter is for the attention of.

Text Message

We occasionally send out text messages to update parents with important information. If you are a parent of a pupil at St. Julian’s Primary and currently do not receive our text messages, please speak to our office staff who will be able to add you to our messaging list. Please feel free to contact us via text but only do so if it is a non-urgent query as we may not always be able to respond immediately. We can only receive text messages from numbers we have stored on our system.

Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube

We love twitter and we try to tweet as often as possible. It’s a great way for us to instantly share our amazing achievements with parents and the public. If you like being the first to find out the latest news and information, then twitter is a definite must for you! You don’t even need a twitter account, although it allows you to ‘follow’ us, if you do! To view our twitter feed, click here or follow @StJuliansPri from your twitter account.


Sometimes, it’s better to communicate face-to-face. We try to make sure that there is always someone available to speak to if you have any concerns or queries. Our teachers or teaching assistants come out onto the playground first-thing in the morning and come back out with their class at the end of the day. If it’s a quick chat you require, feel free to catch your child’s teacher then. If your query or concern requires a bit more time, you can make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher by contacting the school office. If you need to speak to a member of our Leadership Team, please make an appointment with the school office.

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