SJPS Virtual Sports Day

At this time of year, we usually host our Sports Days. Although we can’t meet for Sports Days this  year, we’re going to host a Virtual Sports Day. Similar to how our ‘SJPS has Got Talent’ event worked, we want you to complete as many of the challenges below as you can and send them in to us via email or Whatsapp (see the number in the message you were sent).

  • Record your videos in landscape            DO NOT record them in portrait  x  
  • Videos need to be sent to us by 8pm on Saturday 11th July 2020.
  • Videos should start with your child introducing themselves/people in the video… eg. “Hi, I’m Joe and I am going to be completing the partner plank challenge with my dad…
  • Do not say surnames in the video as they will be live-streamed.
  • The video can include other family members in the household. We’d love to see some parents getting involved!
  • When you’ve recorded your video, please send it to us via email or send it to our temporary Whatsapp number (included in the text message sent to parents)
  • You must include your child’s name, class and house in the email/Whatsapp message
  • By sending us your video, you agree to it featuring as part of our public livestream.
  • We may not be able to use all videos sent to us but all children who submit an entry will receive a certificate.

We’re really looking forward to seeing all of the amazing videos that are sent in! Don’t forget to get the popcorn in, ready to watch the live Sports Day ceremony on Monday 13th July at 6PM. All year groups can participate but even if you’re not sending us a video, you can still enjoy watching friends take part! The teachers have also recorded some videos and we want to see if you can beat the teachers at each of the challenges!

We have some absolutely amazing prizes to give out!

We will host our Virtual Sports Day live on Monday 13th July at 6pm.

Please take care when completing the challenges and ask an adult to help you!

Toilet Roll Keep Ups

See how many keep-ups you can do with a toilet roll.

Blindfold Balance

See how long you can balance whilst wearing a blind-fold.

Partner Plank

See how many high-fives you can give your partner whilst planking.

Book Balance

See how far you can walk whilst balancing a book on-top of your head.


See how many times you can bunny hop in 1 minute.

Chair Challenge

See how many times can you sit down and stand up in 1 minute.

Plank Challenge

See how long can you hold the plank position.

Not-quite Egg & Spoon

See how many laps of your garden/living room can you do whilst holding an egg on your spoon.


See how long can you skip for before the skipping rope catches your feet.

Long Jump

See how far you can jump doing a 2-footed jump.

Taekwondo Challenge

How many left-punches, right-punches and a kick you can do in 1-minute.

Tennis Racket Challenge

See how long you can keep a ball in the air using a tennis racket.

Ball & Clap

Throw the ball in the air and see how many times you can clap before catching the ball.

Washing-line Challenge

See how long it takes you to hang up 5 pieces of clothing on the washing line.

10-Lap Challenge

See how long it takes you to do 10-laps of your garden.

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