Wow – what a day! The year 5 children arrived at school early ready to travel to London to the Gillian Lynne Theatre, to watch ‘School of Rock’ the musical.
This half-term, the Year 5s have decided that their theme should be called ‘School of Rock’. They want to try to develop expressive arts and creativity. At the start of this half-term, The Gwent Music Rock Band performed to the children to teach them about different band instruments.
Today, we took the Year 5 children to London to watch the ‘School of Rock’ musical to inspire the children before they create their own bands.
It was a long journey to London, but the lovely coach drivers from New Adventure Travel got us there safely. We stopped to eat our lunch at the services on the way.

After a few hours, we eventually arrived in London and the drivers gave us a short bus tour of some of the sights of London before arriving at the Gillian Lynne Theatre. Lots of children hadn’t been to London before and hadn’t been to a theatre show either. We were all excited.

As we walked into the theatre, we were all in awe of the surroundings and the set on stage. We took our seats and waited for the show to begin.
The show, music and lights all started at once and really took our breath away! Every child’s jaw dropped at the show began. It was magical!
We enjoyed seeing all the actors and seeing them play their instruments. The show follows slacker Dewey Finn as he turns a class of straight-A students into an ear-popping, riff-scorching, all-conquering rock band!

After the show, we got back on the bus to return home. The school PTA kindly bought us a Burger King meal on the journey back.
There were some great sleeping masks worn by some of the children on the way home as they were so tired!

It was a truly brilliant day and everyone enjoyed themselves.
We’re grateful to all the children for behaving so well and grateful to the staff for giving up their day/evening to make the visit happen.
Enjoy the little video clip updates from some super presenters throughout the day!