School Development
Our School Development Priorities…
- Create a writing skills progression continuum based on the ‘Descriptors of Learning’ to enable staff and learners to set/understand next steps in moving writing forward, and develop a shared understanding of writing expectations.
- Improve the teaching of and tracking of applying phonics knowledge to early spelling skills in PS1.
- Improve the explicit teaching of sentence structures and word-sentence level literacy.
- Increase opportunities for pupils to write for a ‘REAL’ purpose/audience. Create opportunities for pupils to publish their writing in school newsletters, websites and displays.
- Further involve parents in supporting pupils’ writing skills at home.
- Promote writing by inviting authors to run workshops to inspire creativity and excitement for writing.
- Identify pupils who are underperforming in writing and implement intervention programmes that address specific gaps in their writing abilities (e.g., phonics support for spelling, grammar exercises)
- Reduce the gap in standard of writing between eFSM and nFSM pupils.
- Ensure pupils who are more able learners are given opportunities to develop their writing at a higher level.
- Improve the accuracy of pupils’ spelling throughout the school.
- Improve the quality of pupils’ handwriting and presentation skills, raising expectations for pupils’ presentation in all written tasks.
- Improve pupils’ mathematical proficiency and ensure appropriate challenge and expectations in maths for all learners.
- Increase opportunities for ‘REAL’ mathematical problem-solving and Reasoning across the curriculum in PS2 and 3
- Further embed CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) Approach – with a focus on visual representations to solve problems.
- Increase opportunities for anti-racist education and diversity as a Cross Cutting theme in our curriculum, across all year groups and AOLEs.
- Provide professional development for teachers and staff on anti-racist practices, cultural competence and inclusive teaching strategies.
- Increase pupil awareness and involvement in tackling Racism.
- Build partnerships with local organisations and community leaders to support anti-racist education and diversity initiatives within the school.
- Encourage parental and community involvement through informational sessions, cultural events, and collaborative projects.
- Review key school policies to ensure they support an anti-racist and inclusive environment.
- Review and refine school’s behaviour policy to ensure a more consistent and equitable approach to addressing behaviour.
- Improve provision for children with Autism in the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
- Continue embedding the Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Framework.
- Use the RADY approach to address the impact of poverty on learning.
- To use the self-evaluation tool to support the implementation of the RADY pledge.
- Establish a shared vision for what appropriate independence looks like at each Progression Step.
- Collate and share existing practice within the school on how we foster independence.
- Deliver PL for all staff on developing independence, based on EEF Research
- Further develop opportunities for pupils to reflect on:
-their effectiveness as a learner and
-strategies used during lessons. (Super Learning Powers) (Learning Tree) (EEF Questioning Tool) - Ensure provision, learning environments and routines promote independence.
Increase roles and responsibilities around the school for PS2 and PS3 learners.
Increase use of Peer Tutoring to improve Reading/Spelling/Digital Skills/Numeracy. - Increase opportunities for Peer-Assessment
- Further develop the quality of teaching and evaluation of teaching throughout the school using the Teaching Toolkit
- Further develop pupils’ independent use of Digital Tools to support their learning
- Continue to work with Cluster on Concept Progression, focusing on Expressive Arts
- Ensure a broad and balanced curriculum offer for Expressive Arts
- Ensure the principles of progression from the Curriculum for Wales are effectively integrated into planning, assessment, and teaching strategies to clearly demonstrate the progress a pupil is making
- To integrate and embed cross-cutting themes throughout all areas of learning and experience in the Curriculum for Wales, ensuring that learners develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to become lifelong learners.
- Increase the use of data to support teacher progress judgements and inform planning for next steps.
- Ensure all planning, knowledge, skills, and experiences are deliberately aligned with the Four Purposes of the New Curriculum for Wales to foster well-rounded, capable, and active learners.