We can’t believe we are at the end of the school year and what an amazing year it has been! Reception have had a wonderful final term with our theme ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. We have learnt all about creatures that live in the sea and how we can protect them from pollution.
We had a fantastic time visiting Barry Island. It was so much fun to build sandcastles, fly kites and dig for shells. We were so lucky with the weather as we also had a picnic lunch on the beach which was delicious.
As a follow up to our beach trip, we had a rock pool workshop in school. The children learnt so much and were really involved which was lovely to see. They had the opportunity to handle real crab claws, a huge variety of shells, study the creatures that live in rock pools and even dress up as crabs themselves!
We had fun in the classroom learning about seaside traditions. We sang ‘Oh We Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside’ and made puppets to act out a seaside story. We found out about sun safety and had a blast making our sun safety adverts.
One of the most exciting things to happen this term is our awesome outdoor learning area is now ready to use. All the Reception classes have had a chance to use it and it has been a great success. The children have been painting, building, developing their oracy skills, whilst talking about what they are doing, and having so much fun.
Two wonderful events this final term were the creative festival and our beach day. It was lovely to see so many of you come along and join in with Captain Seaweed and Coral the Mermaid. All that is left for us to do is wish you all a super summer break and thank you for an amazing year!