What a busy half term we have had in Reception! We started the half term with our Eisteddfod and had a brilliant time celebrating World Book Day. We loved visiting the library and choosing some books to read in our classroom. We also celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight and even sold delicious Fairtrade banana pops in the hatch.
Our topic this term has been ‘At the Zoo’. We have absolutely loved this topic. We have worked collaboratively to design our own zoos. We have been creative and made some junk model animals also.
Alongside our topic, we have been reading the story ‘ Dear Zoo’. Our reading and writing has come on so well! We have been able to retell the story, order sentences from the story and write parts of the story too!
To finish off the term, we of course had to round our topic up with a trip to Bristol Zoo and what a trip it was! We were able to see all of the different animals that we had learned about and it was BRILLIANT!