Reception have had another busy term learning more traditional tales for our topic ‘Once Upon a Time’. We have been retelling the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’, using Pie Corbett actions and story maps to help. We made bread following a recipe but unlike ‘The Little Red Hen’, we decided NOT to keep it all to ourselves. Instead we shared it with all of our friends! With full bellies, we even had a go at writing sentences from the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ – our letter formation is improving every day! In addition, Reception were treated to a wonderful visit from our local Police Liaison officer – Karen. Karen showed us all of the different emergency services that are available to us and when we would need to use each one. Thanks to this timely visit, one Reception pupil saved her family home from a potential fire when she ran to tell her Mum that she needed to call 999, after spotting the wooden spoon alight! We were very proud of her bravery indeed! In more recent weeks the children have been super busy preparing for all things Christmas… from concerts and carols to cards and calendars! We were very much in the spirit one frosty morning and snapped Mr Mansfield’s hand off at the offer to toast marshmallows and sip hot chocolate around the camp fire! It has been a wonderful half term and we cannot believe just how much the children are learning and growing every day. We thank parents for their support with the new reading books that have been coming home and hope the enthusiasm and progress continues into the new year! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!