Today, the annual PPLN event was held in the Chambers, at the Civic Centre. 7 primary schools attended the event; St. Julian’s Primary, Glan Usk Primary, Glasllwch Primary, Pillgwenlly Primary, Eveswell Primary, Malpas Court Primary and St Woolos Primary. We would like to say a big thank you to the Leader Councillor Debbie Wilcox, ‘Cabinet Member for Education and Skills’ Councillor Gail Giles and Professor Sally Holland ‘Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ for attending the event.
Year 6 VOICE Club shared their research projects which they have been working on for the last year. The first group ‘Behaviour Ambassadors’ explained how they had looked at promoting good behaviour within the school and shared the results of a questionnaire they had completed with KS2 pupils. The second group, ‘Reading Ambassadors’, shared a video explaining what we already do to promote a passion for reading at St Julian’s Primary. They also gave ideas on how they could further develop a passion of reading in the school. The final group talked about being ‘Super Ambassadors’ and the importance of all children having rights. They shared a video they had made during the Super Ambassador training event. During the training, they had an opportunity to interview Sally Holland and discuss ‘Rights’ in more detail.
Mrs Orford and Mrs Sier are very proud of all of the VOICE members who have worked so hard over the year. They spoke so well today and took lots of ideas away from the other schools.