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Parents’ Evening

Pupil Learning Review
Meetings for Parents

At St. Julian’s Primary, we believe children make the most progress when parents and teachers work closely together. We will keep you informed about your child’s progress in a variety of ways throughout the school year. We invite parents to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher at any point during the year should they be concerned about their child’s progress but have two formal parents’ evenings each academic year. We call these parents evenings ‘Pupil Learning Reviews’ (PLR) for Parents.

Autumn Term
  • Held in October
  • 10-minute appointment
  • The following things will be discussed:
  • How your child is settling into their new class
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour / Social & Emotional
  • Progress in English, Maths and Thematic work
  • Child's targets for learning
  • Class routines eg. PE days, homework etc.
  • Any questions you may have
Spring Term
  • Held in February/March
  • 10-minute appointment
  • The following things will be discussed:
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour / Social & Emotional
  • Progress in English, Maths and Thematic Work
  • Progress towards targets (shared in previous meeting)
  • Homework
  • Any questions you may have
  • Transition to Comprehensive School (Y6 Only)
  • A chance to look through your child's school books
Summer Term
  • There is no Parents' evening but parents will received their child's annual written report.

Booking an appointment for Parents’ Evening

When a Parents’ Evening/Pupil Learning Review Meeting is approaching, parents will usually be notified in our school newsletter and also via our Class Dojo messaging app at least one month before the event. Appointments can either be made online or via the school office. The online booking system will usually go live two weeks before the Parents’ Evenings take place and parents will receive a message with an event code, web link and instructions on how to make a booking. Please note that you will not be able to access the booking system until it goes live two weeks prior to the parents’ evening taking place.

Where parents are separated, we ask that where possible, they attend together or one attend and feedback to the other. If this is not possible, please contact the school office to request a second appointment with the class teacher at a time convenient for them.

Visit and click ‘Make a Booking’ at the top right of the page.

Type in the event code which will have been provided to you by the school. If you do not have this, please contact the school office using our online form.

Enter your email address, full name, number of children you need to book appointments for their names.

Select the class teachers for each child from the drop-down list.

Select an appointment for each child by clicking in the box underneath the time slot which suits you. Only available appointments will show a box underneath. If there is no box underneath the time slot, then that appointment has already been taken. Once you have clicked a box, it will turn blue with a tick in it. If you are happy with that appointment, click ‘Go’.

Check the summary page which will show you your appointment(s). You will also receive a confirmation e-mail. If you wish to change your appointment, you can do this here, or telephone the school office to cancel and re-book your appointment.

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