Our Energy/Water Consumption
This graph shows our electricity usage for the past year. Electricity usage is measured in kWh (kilowatt hours).The dark red bars show our electricity usage for this year. The yellow bars show how much electricity we used during the same month the year before. Our electricity data has not yet updated for October and November which is why those months only have yellow bars. You can see that we have reduced the amount of electricity we have used each month this year. We are always aiming to keep reducing the amount of energy we use.
Our Gas Consumption
This graph shows our gas usage for the past year. Gas usage is measured in kWh (kilowatt hours). The dark red bars show our gas usage for this year. The yellow bars show how much gas we used during the same month the year before. We have two large central heating boilers and several smaller boilers for hot water. Our gas usage is always higher during the colder months when we have our radiators on to keep us warm. We have managed to reduce the amount of gas we use in nearly every month except for February (we had lots of snow) and May.
Our Water Consumption
This graph shows our water usage. Water usage is measured in m3 (Cubic Metres). The dark red bars show our water usage for this year. The yellow bars show how much water we used during the same month the year before. We have managed to reduce the amount of water we use in nearly every month since the year before. September, October and November’s data isn’t in yet.