Online Payments

In an attempt to remove all cash and cheques from schools, Newport City Council has rolled out an e-payment service which allows parents to pay for school dinners, educational visits and music lessons online using a secure website called ParentPay.

If you would prefer to make payments with cash, you can do so at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo. Our nearest PayPoint store is the Premier shop directly opposite the school.

ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

Parents wishing to pay cash for School Dinners can request a School Dinner Barcode card. This can be taken to any PayPoint store where they will accept a cash payment and scan the Barcode Card which will top up your ParentPay account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Paying for School Dinners online using ParentPay

  • Log in to ParentPay and deposit funds to your school dinner balance
  • Your child’s teacher will take an electronic dinner-register each morning where your child will be asked what they would like for lunch. Every time they request a school meal, your account will automatically be charged £2.05.
  • You will be able to see which days your child has had a school meal by logging into your online account.
  • To find out how much you have remaining in your balance, please log into your ParentPay account.

Paying for School Dinners at a shop using PayPoint

  • Request a PayPoint Dinner Barcode card from the school office.
  • Take the barcode card to a PayPoint store. Top up your account using cash.
  • Your child’s teacher will take an electronic dinner-register each morning where your child will be asked what they would like for lunch. Every time they request a school meal, your school meal balance will automatically be charged £2.05.
  • To find out how much you have remaining in your balance, please log into your ParentPay account, or contact the school office.

When a school trip is organised, parents will be notified via a letter which is generated through ParentPay.

Paying for a school trip online using ParentPay – When you log in to your ParentPay account, you’ll notice a red circle next to the yellow box titled ‘Pay for other items’. Click that yellow box and you will see the details about the school trip. You simply add that payment item to your online basket and process the payment (either by entering your credit/debit card details or with funds you’ve already deposited into your Parent Account)

Paying for a school trip using cash at a PayPoint store – On the letter that you will have received from the school notifying you of a school trip, you’ll see a barcode in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Take this letter to a PayPoint store, they will scan the barcode and accept the cash payment from you. This will then credit your ParentPay account and the money will automatically be allocated to the school trip payment item. It can take up to 72 hours for PayPoint payments to reach your ParentPay account.

You do not need to book meals using the ParentPay website, just make sure that your dinner balance is topped up for when your child does have a dinner. Each morning, your child’s teacher will take an online dinner register where your child will be asked what they are having for lunch (hot School meal, cold school meal, vegetarian option, Jacket Potato, going home for lunch, or packed lunch from home). Every day that your child orders a school meal, your ParentPay account will automatically be charged (£2.05). It is vital that you remind your child what they are having for lunch each day. You will see which days your child has chosen a school meal when you log into your account (a green tick means they have had a meal, a red cross means they have not had a meal).

No, just make sure you have enough funds allocated to the school dinners balance on your account. You can allocate any sum of money towards school dinners and then each time your child has a school meal; ParentPay will just deduct £2.15 from your school dinners allocation. NB – this is different from your ‘Parent Account’ balance. No money will be taken from your Parent Account balance until you allocate it to a payment item.

The chances are that you’ve added money to your ‘Parent Account’. You can either add money directly to a payment item eg. school dinners/a school trip, or you can just add money to your Parent Account (which means that it just sits in your ParentPay account until you allocate it to a payment item). To see all transactions, click the ‘Parent Account’ tab. If you want allocate this money to a payment item, select the payment item, then instead of clicking ‘add to basket’, click ‘Pay by Parent Account’. You can see the balance of your parent account at the top right of the screen in the blue bar.

NO! The PayPoint barcode card will only top up your child’s school dinner account. To pay for a school trip or other payment item, you will need to use the barcode on the bottom of the trip letter that is set out. Every payment item will have a unique barcode.

It can take up to 72 hours for us to receive a payment made via PayPoint. We suggest that you request a receipt as proof of purchase, each time you make a payment using PayPoint.

Yes, we can create a separate account for each parent. Please contact the school via phone or email to request this.

ParentPay is the online payment system we use. You can access this via any device with a web browser by visiting

PayPoint is a device that some shops have which will allow them to take a cash payment to top up an online account. Find your nearest PayPoint store here.

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