WOW! What an incredible summer term we have had, we have learned all about our local minibeasts that we can find in the garden, and we have found plenty! The children have loved learning about ladybirds, spiders, worms, ants, bees and caterpillars! We have read the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children decided they wanted a caterpillar tea party, so that’s what we did! We made caterpillar hats, had some yummy snacks and decorated butterflies. We have loved the sunnier days this half term and spent loads of time in the garden, the children have found lots and lots of different bugs as we’ve been outside and have loved showing all of the teachers! They are so knowledgable about being gentle and ensuring we put the bugs back where we find them! The children have learned some really big words this half term when learning about different bugs and I am really glad to hear they’ve been using them at home! As well as all of the minibeast fun, we finally got to do our sports day and the children were amazing! They had been practising for such a long time and were amazing during their races! They did us all proud! All of this fun brings the year to an end, and what a year it has been. The children have grown up so much and we are so incredibly proud of all of them! Well done for an incredible first year in St Julian’s Primary School, we hope you have an amazing summer!