Nursery have had a fabulous start to 2022, with lots of new friends joining us who have settled in brilliantly! We have done so many fun things this half term. We have enjoyed finishing our topic all about Winter. We know so many facts about winter and winter animals, thank you to parents for contributing to our learning! We have enjoyed learning the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and having our very own sensory bear hunt through the nursery! We even found a bear at the end of the bear hunt! We also loved our Teddy Bear Picnic, where we made our own delicious sandwiches to enjoy with our teddy bears! We have really enjoyed celebrating Welsh Week in the last week of the half term and learning about what it means to be Welsh and why we are proud to live in Wales. We created beautiful paintings of the Welsh coastline, learned a new Welsh nursery rhyme and drew an observational picture of a daffodil! We can’t wait to celebrate the Eisteddfod after half term. Have a great week off everyone and get ready for our new topic; Spring Surprises!