What a fabulous half term we have had! We started by continuing our learning centred around Autumn. We have thoroughly enjoyed Muddy Monday and getting outside to explore nature every week! In these sessions, we have been developing our communication skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and thinking skills. We have learned about sharing, ordering by size, comparison and counting! We love using our environment to do our learning. We have also learned about Diwali, the festival of light. We loved listening to the story of Rama and Sita and making diya lamps in the nursery. We know why diya lamps are important for Diwali celebrations. We finished off our Autumn Days topic by learning about hedgehogs and hibernation. We know that some animals spend autumn gathering food ready for their big sleep! We have loved the last few weeks getting into the Christmas spirit! This is Mrs Howells’ favourite time of year, especially the nativity! The children performed so well and made everyone so proud! We have enjoyed listening to the Christmas story. We have also been so lucky to have 2 elves visit us from the North Pole, Elf Jingles and Elf Pudding! They came and gave us all Elf Training, so now we are all qualified elves, ready to help Father Christmas! We are really enjoying our time in nursery, and we cannot wait to meet our new friends joining us in January!