Wow! We have had such a busy half term! We started the half term continuing learning about Autumn, focusing on hedgehogs, squirrels and hibernation. We loved our special story ‘Don’t hog the hedge’! We also really enjoyed looking in the garden for signs of autumn and making our very own hedgehog houses for any little hogs that may be in our nursery garden! At the start of December we dove straight into our Christmas Cracker topic and had our very own Buddy the Elf arrive from the North Pole! He brought us a lovely story to read and learn about ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’! We have been really busy making calendars, Christmas cards, rehearsing for the Christmas Nativity, Christmas craft and party prepping! We are so lucky to have been visited on our Elf day by 2 elves from the North Pole! We had elf training and learned how to be the best elves for Father Christmas! We are feeling really Christmassy and ready for lots of fun with families! We are even more excited for January, to come back and meet our new friends that will be starting nursery! Have a lovely Christmas break everyone!