Our theme this term has been ‘Winter Wonderland’.
Based on our book ‘It was a cold Dark Night’, we learned about light and dark. We compared day and night by using our dark dome to find the things we may see in the night. We used a moon torch to shine in the dome to find stars, hedgehogs, bats, foxes and owls. We were very creative and painted beautiful abstract paintings in the style of Van Gogh’s painting ‘Starry Night’.
Our next book was ‘Jack Frost’. We were very lucky with the timing as we were blessed with beautiful frosty mornings! We investigated animals that live in cold habitats. One of the activities involved the animals being stuck in the ice! The children had to find ways to melt the ice to free the penguins, polar bears and walruses! They loved playing with the ice! They used lots of vocabulary to describe the ice.
The children also loved playing the snowball game, counting how many snowballs they could get into the bucket! We have been doing lots of mark making using our icy theme, such as writing the letter ‘i’ for igloo and drawing snowmen to the song ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman?’. The children investigated the shapes of snowflakes and made beautiful observational drawings.
As the Christmas season quickly approached the children have been busy playing in Santa’s workshop. They have been writing letters to Santa, writing christmas cards and labels for presents. They have been busy elves making toys using construction equipment, as well as measuring and weighing the toys in the workshop. The children absolutely loved decorating the nursery tree! Mrs Gough had to resist the temptation to make a few adjustments!
It has been an incredibly busy term! The children worked incredibly hard on their Christmas concert. The nursery staff have been so impressed how well the children acted and delivered their speaking parts even though they are the youngest members of our school family!
The nursery staff would like to wish you all a very joyful Christmas and a happy New Year!