Wow! What a fun filled first half term we have had! The children have settled so well and are really loving coming to nursery every single day! It is so lovely seeing 61 happy smiling faces every day! The teachers are all so proud of the children, it is so hard for them coming to school for the first time and they have been amazing!
This half term we have been learning all about Autumn. We have read the story Leaf Man and Pumpkin Soup. We really enjoyed searching for beautiful autumn colourful leaves and making our own Leaf Man. We have also really loved making our very own pumpkin soup! It is safe to say that making it was a lot more fun than eating it for some of the children! Our favourite place to play this half term has been pumpkin potions! We have made some amazing potions in the Tuff Tray this half term and we are super excited to see what we have to play with after half term. We have also spent some time to talk about Diwali and being safe with fireworks. We hope you have a lovely restful half term and we can’t wait to hear all about it when we come back!