We are so proud of the children for settling in to nursery so well! We have loved getting to know all of our new friends and exploring our new classroom with all of the fun things we can learn with. The children have loved getting to go outside and explore the nursery garden and use the mud kitchen to make lots of delicious treats!
This term we have been learning all about Autumn and what happens when the weather starts to change. We have read some lovely stories including Leaf Man. When we were reading this, we learned about leaves and how they change colour! We went out into the garden to spot all of the different colour leaves. Then we read the story Pumpkin Soup! We decided it would be a super idea to make our own pumpkin soup! We had to cut all of the vegetables ourselves and put them into the soup maker. We even made our very own bread and shaped it into a hedgehog! It was delicious!
Just a last note to say how proud we are of each and every child for all of the kindness they have shown one another and how well they have settled into nursery this half term! We can’t wait for another fantastic half term after a week off to see what we’ll be learning about!