We will hold our Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Thursday 20th September, and once again we will collect tinned food for the Raven House Trust. The Trust is a Newport charity and it provides food for the homeless and needy in the city. If we all bring in one tin of food, then will be able to donate 700 tins.
Please would you send your tin to school between next Monday and Thursday.
Thank you for anticipated support.
All of the children from Reception to Year 6 will be bringing home a letter/form from the Health Authority about the FLUENZ vaccination programme. Please would you return the form as soon as possible to your child’s class teacher. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be receiving the vaccination on Wednesday 26th September and children from Year 3 to Year 6 on Thursday 27th September.
I am so grateful to parents who park in the appropriate places at the start and end of the school day. Gwent Police has asked the school to remind parents that cars should not be parked on the zig-zag lines or on double yellow lines as this is an offence. Neither should cars be parked on the grass verges or in the bus bays. I would ask parents not to park across the drive gates, as this would be the entrance point for an ambulance/fire engine. Illegal parking can lead to accidents, and none of us want any child to be hurt.