At St Julian’s Primary School we understand the importance of parental engagement and the positive impact it has on children’s learning. We have had a very busy fortnight with Literacy workshops taking place from Year 1 -Year 4. Reception classes completed their workshop before half-term. If you would like to find out what they did please read the blog:
Parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles have attended the workshops. They have worked alongside their child learning Literacy skills and strategies which they can continue to use at home. These skills can help children to grow in confidence and resilience.
Each year group set up a range of activities to support reading, handwriting and spelling at home. Families were shown how they could use an IT device at home, to support reading using a programme called Bug Club. Bug Club was demonstrated to the parents and their children were able to show them how they use it in school. Different games and strategies were demonstrated to support parents with helping their children to learn high frequency words and class spellings. Other activities included: reading comprehensions for books and newspapers, Boggle games, how to form letters correctly, high frequency word bingo and many more.
Thank you to everyone who attended the workshops and we look forward to hearing how the activities are going at home. We have loved reading all of the positive comments which were written after the workshop took place. We have included some below:
‘I had a wonderful time at the Literacy workshop and had lots of fun working together with my child doing different tasks’.
‘I thought the Literacy workshop was wonderful! Being a Nan, it was good for me to see how learning has changed and how to help my Grandson at home’.
The Nursery workshop will take place in December and we look forward to seeing Nursery parents at this event. After Christmas, we will send out letters for the Numeracy workshop. If there is anything else we can help you with, to support your children at home, please come in and speak to the class teacher.