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Home Learning @ St Julian’s Primary

At St Julian’s Primary School, we are committed to working in close partnership with parents to support our children in their learning. Home Learning should get families talking, reminiscing and learning with and from each other. We don’t want it to be seen as a chore but as an enjoyable experience.

As a school community, we have agreed that any homework should be:

  • simple for children and parents to understand.
  • appropriate in challenge and length of time it takes to complete.
  • linked to the learning taking place in class and consolidate what’s being taught by the teachers.
  • Have elements online and on paper

You can find out Home Learning Policy here

Explore these pages with information linked to our school learning themes.

World War 2

Aberfan Disaster



Newport Chartists

Politics in the UK and Wales


Light and Sound

Water Cycle

Plants and Flowers

The Human Body

Roald Dahl


Cracking Ideas

Computers and Technology

Careers and Occupations

Seaside and The Ocean

Lights, Camera, Action


Earth and Space

Natural Disasters



Green Power

Adventurers and Explorers


Great Fire of London

The Gunpowder Plot

The Titanic

Victorians & Industrial Revolution

The Tudors

The Normans

The Vikings

The Saxons

The Romans

The Celts Menu

World War 2

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