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Friends of St. Julian’s Primary

Beaufort Centre

The Beaufort Centre is one of 22 community centres and halls in the city of Newport, for use by local groups and individuals. They have a wide range of activities...

Busiu Primary School

Our partnership with Busiu Primary School, Uganda, began in 2015 when we connected with them through ‘Connecting Classrooms’, a British Council website which creates links between primary schools across the...

Glyn Anwen Care Home

Glyn Anwen is a residential care-home for the elderly, operated and managed by ‘Linc Cymru’. We immediately became involved with Glyn Anwen when it was built a few years ago,...

Gwent Police

PC Herbert is our School Community Police Officer and regularly comes in to visit us at St. Julian’s Primary. Whether it’s to teach a lesson, or to join in with...

Parent Teacher Association

The St. Julian’s Primary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is made up of parents and school staff, who meet once every month to plan and organise fundraising events to support the...

St. Julian’s Baptist Church

Over the years, Rev. Clive Taylor and his wife Jeanette have become great friends of ours. Rev. Taylor has been a governor of the school for many years and often...

St. Julian’s High School

St. Julian’s High School is the main comprehensive school that the majority of our Year 6 pupils feed into. We work very closely with them to ensure that the transition...

St. Julius & Aaron’s Church

The previous Vicar of St. Julius & Aaron’s Church, Roger Williams, served as our Chair of Governors for many years. Ever since, we’ve had a great relationship with the church....

University of South Wales

We are a ‘Partnership School’ of the University of South Wales and often have Student Teachers on placement at our school. We work closely with the university to ensure that...

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