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Family Support

At St. Julian’s Primary, we care enormously about our families and our community. That is why we do so much more than just educate children at our school. We understand that life brings all kinds of ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and that people find themselves in all sorts of situations. One of the best things about our school is that we want to be there for our families to celebrate in life’s ‘ups’, but also to be there to support them in any way we can in the ‘downs’.

As a community focused school, we are committed to:

  • building a strong partnership with our families
  • responding to the needs of our community
  • collaborating effectively with other services within our area

Family Support Worker

All of our staff are keen to help you and your child in any way they can, but Mrs Walshe is our dedicated Family Support Worker. Her job is to help build relationships with our families, make links with other organisations in our community, support children’s emotional wellbeing and offer support to those who need it.

We recognise that from time-to-time, families are faced with a whole range of different challenges and situations. As a school, we want to be able to support our families with whatever issues or problems they’re faced with.

Where we can, we’ll try to offer immediate support. For more complicated situations, we may not always have the answer straight away but Mrs Walshe can point you in the right direction of others who might be able to help and she’s a great listener, with plenty of tea and coffee and a friendly face.

Ways we can help…

Wellbeing Check-in

Click below to request a ‘Wellbeing Check-In’ with Mrs Walshe – either for your child or for you as their parent/carer.

Food Parcels

Click below to request a food parcel. We usually distribute food parcels every fortnight but if you complete this online request form, we’ll make sure we save one for you.

Big Bocs Bwyd

Click here to find out more about our Big Bocs Bwyd, our on-site, pay-as-you-feel supermarket which aims to reduce waste and support our families.

Coffee and a Chat

Click here to request a coffee and a chat with Mrs Walshe. Sometimes, just talking about our problems, worries or situations can help a lot and Mrs Walshe is a great listener.

Parenting Support

Parenting – one of the toughest jobs in the world and nobody has all the answers but we may be able to help with some situations. Click here to get in touch.

School Uniform

At St Julian’s Primary, we expect children to wear school uniform, but don’t want families to have to worry about the cost of it. Click here to find out more options.

Families Connect

Families Connect is a five-session programme for parents of children in the Foundation Phase. These practical sessions involve the parent and the child and will help parents know how they can support their child’s development at home.

Men Behaving Dadly

Men behaving Dadly is a six-week programme for dads who want to spend more time with their children. We’ll take you to do a range of activities.

Cook with your Kids

At St Julian’s Primary, we want our children to learn the great life skill of cooking and to learn how to make healthy nutritious meals. Why not register to take part with your child in the next cohort?

Parent Workshops

Throughout the year, we offer a range of parent workshops – Helping your child with Literacy, Helping your child with Numeracy, Keeping children safe online. Find out more about these workshops and when they’re taking place.

Family Learning Day

Our Family Learning Together day takes place once a year, where we invite all parents of pupils from Nursery to Year 2 to come and take part in a range of learning activities. There is always a huge buzz around the hall as parents and children enjoy learning and playing togehter.

Support Pinboards

These two pinboards will signpost you to lots of Wellbeing services available for learners and also various services within the community.

Contact our Family Support Worker…

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