Family and Community Engagement (FaCE)
At St Julian’s Primary School, we recognise that all parents want to be involved in their children’s education and want their children to do well in school.
Over the last year, we have provided a number of engagement activities for children and their parents. These have included: Family fitness events, Lads and Dads projects, St Julian’s Bake Off, afternoon tea prepared by the pupils, Family Learning Together Day, parental literacy workshops, Nursery open morning/afternoon and many more. These events have all been successful and we look forward to continuing providing engaging events to parents and the community. Look out during the Summer Term for Numeracy workshops (Reception-Year 4) and the next Family Fitness event (Irish dancing -Year 1).
Thank you to all of the parents who filled in the online parent questionnaire, during the Spring Term. This questionnaire has helped the FaCE team to identify the most popular engagement events in the school. The FacE team will work alongside the PTA to continue providing fun and engaging events over the next year.
In the meantime, if there is a particular event you think would engage parents in working alongside their children, please do not hesitate to contact the school and speak to Mrs Orford or Mr Mansfield.