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Stay S.

At St. Julian’s Primary School, we teach pupils how to stay safe online using ‘SMART’. We regularly remind pupils what each letter stands for and talk about examples of different dangers.

On this page, we’ve put together a collection of links and videos that children and parents can use at home.


Stay safe by being careful not to share personal information when chatting or posting online. Personal information includes your address, phone number, passwords and school.


Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ or carers’ permission and even then only when they can be present. Remember online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.


Accepting emails, instant messages, or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know or trust can lead to problems – they may contain viruses or nasty messages!


Someone online might lie about who they are, and information on the internet may not be true. Always check information with other websites, books or someone who knows.


Tell your parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.

Other Videos about Online Safety

NSPCC Share Aware

Watch this video to see what not to share online.

Pop Ups

Video which shows children how to deal with Popups.

Tips for Staying Safe Online

Watch this video for some top tips to stay safe online.

Links for Children

Being online can be exciting and fun – but some things online can leave you feeling upset, worried or confused. If you feel any of these things when you’re online it’s important to know where to get help.

Talk to someone!

It’s great to talk and it can really help you feel better about things. There are lots of people you can talk to, such as friends, family members and teachers.

Make a report.

If something has happened on a service like a game or social media site, you might be able to make a report. You can often report other users if they’ve done something to upset or worry you. You can also report content – such as hurtful comments or upsetting photos that you don’t want to see.

Call ChildLine. 

If you’re really unsure about what to do and you don’t have anyone you can talk to, then remember you can always call ChildLine on 0800 11 11 or visit their website for more advice 

What should I do if someone I only know online makes me feel uncomfortable?

Talk to an adult you trust. If someone you only know online, ever asks:

  • to meet up with you,
  • for photos or videos of you,
  • for your personal information,

You can also report them to the police using the ThinkUKnow website. This website is run by CEOP who are part of the police and work to stop strangers online trying to meet up with young people.

Common Sense Media

This website is brilliant for parents and teachers. You can type in the name of any computer game or app or website or movie and it will tell you what sort of content your child will be exposed. Parents often have a hard time keeping up with what games their children enjoy playing, but this site gives you all the information you need to decide if a game/app/website is suitable or not.


The Internet has become an integral part of our and our children’s lives. A world has opened up which offers many positive opportunities. According to Ofcom, (2013), the majority of parents agree with the statement: “I trust my child to use the Internet safely” (83%). However, only 43% of 8-11-year-olds are very confident in knowing how to stay safe online. It is therefore important that parents and carers are aware of the way in which their children use the Internet; talk to them about the risk of going online and assist them to use the Internet safely and responsibly.

This is what research tells us:

  • 96% of 8-11 year olds used the internet in 2013 (Ofcom, 2013)
  • Access to the Internet using a mobile phone more than doubled between 2010 and 2014, to 58% (Office for National Statistics, 2014).
  • Children aged 8-11 spend an average of 9.2 hours online per week. As they get older they tend to spend more time online (17 hours per week for 12-15 year olds) (Ofcom, 2013)
  • 36% of 9-12 year olds have a Facebook profile (Childwise Monitor Report, 2012)

Children start using computers from a very early age and are increasingly using the Internet more and more whether at home, in school, on their mobile phones or on a games console. With this in mind, Internet safety and knowing how to help protect children and young people online is essential.

Just as we want to keep our child safe in the ‘real’ offline world, we will want to do the same in the virtual online world. It is important that we understand enough about the Internet to keep our children safe from harm but it is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe so they can experience the Internet positively and responsibly.

Take a look at these links below for more ideas and tips for keeping your children safe online…

Safer Internet Day




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