We had a great afternoon today, going from Year 6…to University!!! Mr Mansfield was invited to give a lecture on ‘Teaching Computer Programming in Primary Schools’, so he got some Digital Leaders on board and after lunch, took them over to the University of South Wales, Newport.
Upon our arrival, we were greeted by security and then taken down to one of the ICT suites, where around twenty 3rd-Year Teaching Students awaited us.
Mr Mansfield started by talking about the proposed changes to the curriculum and then demonstrated some practical ideas to introduce Programming to primary-school pupils. He then gave the students the task of creating an ‘algorithm’ for creating a jam sandwich.
Then it was the turn of the Digital Leaders. In turn, they each stood up and presented various iPad apps which help to teach/reinforce programming concepts. They spoke so well and explained the apps clearly. After each demonstration, they gave the university students a chance to try the apps for themselves, wandering around the room, helping and supporting them.
The university students all said how much they enjoyed our lecture and took to Twitter immediately, to tweet about how useful it was.
We’re grateful to the four wonderful Digital Leaders who accompanied Mr Mansfield to the University, and look forward to working with the USW again, soon!