At St. Julian’s Primary, we use Class Dojo to connect with parents and share photos and videos of all of the wonderful things that take place in school. Any parent can connect with their child’s class story and view their child’s reward points. Just ask us to send you an invite to your email address or print you a connection code.
Class Dojo Rewards

Dojo Class Story
Get notifications directly to your phone/tablet every time your child’s teacher posts an announcement, photograph or video to their class story. Show your child’s teacher that you’ve seen the post by clicking the ‘Like’ button underneath.
Class Dojo Rewards
Teachers award Class Dojo points for good behaviour, putting lots of effort into work, showing kindness to others, obeying school rules and lots more! You can view your child’s points online or through the Dojo App.

Class Dojo Shop
At the end of the week, pupils can spend their Dojo Points at the Class Dojo, or they can save them up for something really special!