World Book Day
St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United KingdomPupils can dress as their favourite book characters for the day. Year 4 pupils who are going swimming, please bring your World Book Day costumes in a bag - you...
Pupils can dress as their favourite book characters for the day. Year 4 pupils who are going swimming, please bring your World Book Day costumes in a bag - you...
Year 1 children and their families can take part in an Irish dancing session in the Foundation Phase Hall.
The Eisteddfod was cancelled last week due to snow. It will take place today. Pupils can wear Welsh Costumes or dress in the colours of their house. Don't forget, this...
Parents of pupils in Y2 are invited to our Numeracy workshop
Selected Reception families to take part in Literacy, Numeracy and Personal and Social sessions with Miss Welsh and Mrs Lee.
World book day was cancelled last week due to the snow. Pupils can come into school today dressed up as their favourite book character.
Year 1 children have the opportunity to visit the Caerphilly Mountain View Ranch to continue their theme of Julia Donaldson. Children will be able to walk the Gruffalo trail, build dens and hear a story around a camp fire.
Parents of pupils in Reception are invited to our Numeracy workshop