Archives: Events

FP Pupil Progress Phone Calls

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

As we are unable to hold parents' evening this year, teachers will contact parents via telephone for 10 minute phone consultations. You can book using our online booking system or...

Anti-Bullying Week

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Pupils will spend time this week considering what bullying is, what to do if they experience bullying and how to help and be kind to others. On Monday, we are joining with schools across the country to wear odd socks in support of the anti-bullying campaign!

Christmas Jumper Day

Pupils can wear a Christmas jumper to school for the day (with smart trousers or a skirt) and donate money to Save the Children.

Christmas Concerts

We're unable to invite parents into school for Christmas Concerts at the moment. All classes will record a mini Christmas Concert and we will share the link with parents. They...

Class Christmas Parties

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

This year, parents will be unable to send in party food and therefore, we will ask for a £1 donation to go towards buying party food for the class.

Staff Training Day

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

School closed to pupils. Staff Training Day.

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